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A (Digital) Decade of Destruction?

typewriter Date: 27 Jan, 2010

Wednesday 27th January, 6.30pm-8pm
Committee Room 12, House of Commons, London SW1A 0A

The last ten years have seen much of mainstream journalism in decline. What will the next ten years bring?

To address this and other questions, Polis Director Charlie Beckett joins a public discussion organized by the Commonwealth Journalists Association (UK branch) on Wednesday 27th January.

The panel will also have the presences of Dominic Young, News International  Director of Strategy and Product Development; Stephen Pritchard, Organization of News Ombudsmen President; John Fisher Burns, New York Times London Bureau Chief; and Mark Kobayashi-Hillary, writer and commentator on technology, outsourcing, globalization and corporate change. The debate will be mediated by BBC Correspondent Nick Higham.

RSVP: Rita Payne
Telephone: 07834-845240

Keywords: internet, digital, mainstream media