"SuperMedia is a strongly argued, well-sourced, knowledgeable piece of work..displaying a faith in the power of journalism allied to that of an active citizenry"
John Loyd, Contributing Editor, Financial Times

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Whistleblowers and Mischief-makers: The Ethics of Scandal
10am - 4pm London College of Communication: Boardroom 21 Nov, 2008
ICE aims to bring together academics, professiona... read more


Humanitarian Communications in a Global Media Age Symposium
LSE 21 Nov, 2008
'Humanitarian Communications in a Global Media A... read more

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'Reporting Suicide in the Media'
01 Dec, 2008
The past year has seen considerable debate about ... read more


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Silverstone Scholarship in Global Media

RogerSilverstone001 Date: 15 Sep, 2008

This Scholarship is awarded annually to one person in honour of the late Professor Roger Silverstone, former Head of the Media and Communications Department at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The scholarship is awarded through POLIS, the media and society think tank in the Department. The Scholarship, worth £5,000, will run from October 2008 to October 2009.

This Scholarship is awarded to one candidate annually for a year and aims to attract individuals from the following backgrounds. The first is a foreign journalist based in London, from a developing country, and with a demonstrated interest in academic research in global media research and debate. Alternatively, the second is a foreign student, with a media background and currently or about to be enrolled in a post-graduate degree at the London School of Economics beginning the 2008/9 academic year session. The candidate will have a strong aptitude for high quality research and will be expected to draw on his or her own expertise, supplemented by research and interviews, to produce a report for POLIS. He or she will also expected to contribute подробности на странице - where appropriate - to carry out occasional teaching in the Department and the POLIS Summer School.

Please send your CV, accompanied by a cover letter and with a 500 word research proposal to Tess Connolly, Assistant to Polis Director, at polis@lse.ac.uk.

The deadline for applications is the end of September 2008