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Opening up ‘Illiberal’ Regimes
6:30-8pm Old Theatre, Old Building 19 May, 2009
SPEAKERS: Professor Paul Collier, Professor Mary ... read more


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Opening up ‘Illiberal’ Regimes

Prof Paul Collier 6:30-8pm Location: Old Theatre, Old Building Date: 19 May, 2009

SPEAKERS: Professor Paul Collier, Professor Mary Kaldor,
Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Maung Zarni
CHAIR: Professor Lord Giddens

Paul Collier is co-director of the International Growth Centre at LSE
and professor of economics at Oxford University. Mary Kaldor is
professor of global governance at LSE and co-director of CSGG. Ziba
Mir-Hosseini is senior research associate in the Centre of Islamic and
Middle Eastern Law at SOAS. Maung Zarni is co-ordinator of the
Burma/Myanmar Research Initiative at the CSGG, and founder of the
Free Burma Coalition.

This event is being organized by the LSE events and conferences office. To contact them please email or call 020 7955 6043.