The media provides the resources we all need for the conduct of everyday life.
Roger Silverstone

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Industry's leaders debate the future of internet rights
6.30pm Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, Lincolns Inn Fields, LSE 25 Jan, 2010
Will the market and innovation decide the fut... read more


A (Digital) Decade of Destruction?
6.30pm-8pm Committee Room 12, House of Commons, London SW1A 0A 27 Jan, 2010
The last ten years have seen much of mainstream j... read more

Lee Bollinger

'Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open: A Free Press for new Century'
6.30 - 8pm Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE 01 Feb, 2010
0 0 0 In a ... read more


Reporting during War Times
10.30am-12pm Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building 13 Feb, 2010
How the great correspondents of the past managed ... read more


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Oxford Media Convention 2010

Oxford Media Convention 2 Location: Said Business School, University of Oxford Date: 21 Jan, 2010

In the public interest? Plotting the future of Britain's Creative Industries

Organised by ippr in partnership with MediaGuardian

Thursday January 21 2010, University of Oxford

Now in its eighth year, this is a must-attend event for anyone working in media policy, strategy and regulation. Setting the tone for media policy debate in 2010, the convention will ask what future faces the creative industries? Where should public funding be directed? And are citizens still masters of the media or is it time for a new media ethic?

Leading contributors from organisations including: DCMS, Facebook, Ofcom, Trinity Mirror Group, Channel4, Google and the BBC.

For more information, click here.

Keywords: Oxford Media Convention; media; ethic; creative industries